About Mrs. Smith
Algebra 2 Period 5,7,8
Geometry Period 1
Geometry Period 3
Famous Mathematician Project
Descriptive Statistics Project
Architect Project
Park Plan Project
Math Dictionary Links
Using the TI graphing calculator
Extra Credit Problems
MCAS Information
Translating Word Problems
compass and protractor
Constructing Bridges
Pythagorean Theorem
Greek - English Alphabet Project
NERRS - Watershed to Estuary
Isaac Asimov
Origami Hearts
STAR Math Testing link to Renaissance Place
Mrs. Smith Sums It Up
Greek - English Alphabet Project

The class will be creating an “Greek -English Alphabet Book”.  Each student will be assigned a letter or combination of letters in the English language to translate to the Greek. Each student will create a page for the book devoted to his/her Greek letter using Glogster. We will have 3 periods in the computer lab to research and create the page.

You will create your page in using Glogster - the digital poster application. You must register as my student at the link below. My education code is 812C6C. Some of you are already registered.

Link to Glogster

Some links to get you started.

Maintain your works cited page with Easybib

Greek - English alphabet translation table

Greek letters used in mathematics, science, and engineering

Greek alphabet in math

The origin of math symbols and the mathematicians who first used them

Some famous mathematicians

Some famous scientists

A dictionary of math terms

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