Dissolved Oxygen in an Estuary
Activity 1 Tasks:
You will need ...
- a pencil or pen
- computer access
- reading 1 and data collection record worksheet 1
1. What do you already know about estuaries? Take the quiz at the following link.
Estuarine Knowledge Quiz
2. Familiarize yourself with the Naragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NBNERR) by reading "Introduction
to Naragansett Bay" in your packet. Then visit the website for NBNERR at the following link to learn about stewardship.
Stewardship at the NBNERR
A. What is stewardship?
B. Name three stewardship activities at the Naragansett Bay NERR.
C. Of all the listed stewardship programs at NBNERR, which one interests you the most? Why?
3. Dissolved Oxygen
Some questions: use your own knowledge, a classmates knowledge, or look up information on the web to briefly consider
these questions.
A. What ideas do you already have about oxygen and life in an estuary?
B. What conditions are necessary for organisms to survive in an estuary?
C. How do these organisms extract oxygen for their use?
D. How does oxygen enter eatuary water?
E. What is solubility of gasses?
F. What is photosynthesis? Can you find a formula for photosynthesis?
G. What is respiration? Is there a formula for respiration?
H. Define atmosphere, hydrosphere, and bioshpere. How are they related?
I. What is dissolved oxygen? How do we measure it in a body of water?
4. Dissolved Oxygen in Naragansett Bay
Use the following interactive tool to see readings from various water quality sensors at different depths at two locations
in the Bay. Left click on the viewing window to learn about the aquatic life at different depths. Left click on the Sensor
tab to get water quality readings. Popham Rocks is a shore-based site. South Prudence is situated further out
in the bay.
Work with one or two other students to to complete the Student Worksheet - Dissolved Oxygen in Naragansett Bay.
Record and analyze the data from both sites.
NBNERR Water Quality Sensors
click here for color DO graphs Figures 5 & 6
Activity 3 Tasks
When you have finished activity 2, you may choose from any of the following activities:
Who am I? Estuary Inhabitants
An Estuary Mystery
Ocean Challenge
Take the Estuary Quiz
Sea Memory Game
Sea Slide Puzzle
Sea Strategy Games
Sea Action Games